Saturday, August 13, 2011

London Riots: Applying Justice Through The Laws Of The Jungle.

Justice? Not for that car's owner!
              Hi! So, my first post will be moderate and respectful. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Are you kidding me? So, apparently, the riots started as a protest against the killing of a husband/father/alleged gang member (these three categories go well together). Many of the rioters are using social networks to accuse the police and government of being racist, and they are calling for more equality in society. Now all of this seems to be noble and right....until we see the means being used.
              These "justice seekers" have burned dozens of small shops, being for many owners the only means of living. Yes, these "deprived youths" have destroyed families in the name of justice. Does anybody else see the hypocrisy in this? It's like Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian shooter, who is defending Norway from Muslim "terrorists and killers" by actually killing fellow Norwegians!! I can almost hear an Al-Qaeda member somewhere laughing! WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

              You want justice? BE JUST! You want peace? STOP BULLYING THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE ZIT! You want Equality? hahaha. When was the last time you treated the "nerd" in your class with equality? Instead of setting the world on fire, how about you start by helping those in need. Saint John of the Cross, a Catholic Mystic, Saint, and Doctor of the Church, summed it up best. He said:" Where there is no love, put love-and there will be love." In other words, STOP ACCUSING THE POLICE OF BEING A BULLY AS YOU FINISH BEATING UP THE LITTLE KID ON THE BLOCK! Instead, help the bullied kid get back on his feet, if possible defend him, and then, only then, you may teach the police a lesson about Justice.

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